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The Midday Bible Study will resume on January 13, 2021.

ZOOM Meeting ID: 788 0351 5616; Passcode: Midday or dial in 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

In February, we are studying the 2nd and 3rd Book of John,
Feb 3rd: Teacher Rose Colvin - "Commendation and Challenge of the Chosen Lady: 2 John 1-6"
Feb 10th: Rev. Yvette - "Warnings and Comfort: 2 John 1:7-13"
Feb 17th: Rev. Yvette - 3 John 1-8 
Feb 24th: Rev. Yvette - 3 John 9-15 

Midday Bible Study

ZOOM: | Meeting ID: 858 1611 2772 | Passcode: midday / 312 626 6799

Salem Midday Bible Study, come study with us as we do a deep dive in the scriptures in the day
on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. on Facebook as we strive to be conformed to the image of God.


May 4th: Produces Godly Fruit in Our Hearts - Galatians 5:22-23 | Pastor Harvey CareyJune 
May 11th: The Holy Spirit: Power - Acts 1:8
May 18th: Preparation of Pentecost - Acts 1:12-26

May 25th: The Coming of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:1-8, 12-21

The Midday Bible Study will resume on January 13, 2021.

ZOOM Meeting ID: 788 0351 5616; Passcode: Midday or dial in 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

In February, we are studying the 2nd and 3rd Book of John,
Feb 3rd: Teacher Rose Colvin - "Commendation and Challenge of the Chosen Lady: 2 John 1-6"
Feb 10th: Rev. Yvette - "Warnings and Comfort: 2 John 1:7-13"
Feb 17th: Rev. Yvette - 3 John 1-8 
Feb 24th: Rev. Yvette - 3 John 9-15 


Topic: Pastoral Care Volunteer Meeting

Time: May 12th at 5:45 PM CST

After our short meeting, Pastor Harvey Carey will be our speaker of encouragement. | Meeting ID 865 8944 3054 | Passcode: 523964 | 312 626 6799

The Midday Bible Study will resume on January 13, 2021.

ZOOM Meeting ID: 788 0351 5616; Passcode: Midday or dial in 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

In February, we are studying the 2nd and 3rd Book of John,
Feb 3rd: Teacher Rose Colvin - "Commendation and Challenge of the Chosen Lady: 2 John 1-6"
Feb 10th: Rev. Yvette - "Warnings and Comfort: 2 John 1:7-13"
Feb 17th: Rev. Yvette - 3 John 1-8 
Feb 24th: Rev. Yvette - 3 John 9-15 


Monday, May 23, 2022, at 7 p.m. join us on Facebook for tips given to us the Body of Christ to help us ease our household woes, ease the strain on our pocketbook and learn some tricks and tips to help us in our everyday life. Join us this month with Adleana Harris as she joins us with decades of experience as an advisor in the DIY world to help us navigate ours.

Our grief share, a caring people to walk alongside so others will not have to go through the
grieving process alone and receive help and support on January 9 and January 23.

Saturdays from 10:00-11:30 a.m. on

Meeting ID 661 665 964 1 or call 1-408.419.1715


Our grief share, a caring people to walk alongside so others will not have to go through the
grieving process alone and receive help and support on May 14th, every second and fourth
Saturday, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
on ZOOM.


Meeting ID: 881 8739 5393 | Passcode: love | ZOOM:

Our celebrate recovery group meets resumes on January 11, 2021, with an online presence going
forth on Monday nights 6:30 and 7:45–8:45 pm for breakout groups. and men breakout


"How to navigate Office 365 Word" Class One held Tuesday, May 17th 4-6 p.m.


Join us Zoom Meeting: | Meeting ID: 967 7601 2963 | Passcode: word

Set up virtual counseling sessions for certified biblical counselors and pastoral counseling
sessions as scheduled through that does not require a moderator.


Understand definitions, how to clean cookies, history to preserve your computer and learn how
to do searches and master handling the computer on your own, held Saturday May 14th from 11-1


ZOOM Meeting: | Meeting ID: 841 0536 6160 | Passcode: Cyber

Set up virtual counseling sessions for certified biblical counselors and pastoral counseling
sessions as scheduled through that does not require a moderator.


Help with ZOOM and How do I navigate Facebook & YouTube We offer classes on how to use ZOOM from a participant's perspective and host perspective and about Facebook and YouTube. We will show you how to create a page, change your settings, upload a photo, accept, or decline friend requests, or comment on a post. How to upload videos and find things on YouTube that is helpful for life.


Tuesday, May 10th from 4-6 p.m.

Zoom | Meeting ID: 930 9773 1266 | Passcode: computer

Set up virtual counseling sessions for certified biblical counselors and pastoral counseling
sessions as scheduled through that does not require a moderator.


In the Month of May, we honored to hear from a variety of voices that will help us plug in and
encourage our walk with God. Each will share a Word, a short devotional. Join us on Facebook
Midday Bible Study Lessons at 9 a.m. Hear a message to give your week a great start. Or on
streaming on YouTube at 5 p.m.


May 2nd: Yvette Breckenridge
May 9th: Pastor Ivan Riley
May 16th: Laura Morales
May 23rd: Lisa Howard

May 30th: Terry Moore

Set up virtual counseling sessions for certified biblical counselors and pastoral counseling
sessions as scheduled through that does not require a moderator.

serenity book club

Join us as we continue reading "DON’T GIVE THE ENEMY A SEAT AT THE TABLE: It's Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind" by Louie Giglio. Purchase it and join us for the discussion on Thursdays, 1:00 p.m. on Facebook via Streamyard to get your comments involved. We look at chapters from "Staggered by the Mountain to The Garden of Your Mind."

Set up virtual counseling sessions for certified biblical counselors and pastoral counseling
sessions as scheduled through that does not require a moderator.

salem morning glory prayer

Join us for Salem Morning Glory Prayer:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 6:00 am with prayer open to the congregation through Zoom. ZOOM Meeting ID: 973 3163 6936. Password: 464509 or Dial 1 312 626 6799 (Chicago)

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